The Secret To Kickstarting Your Creator Journey

(The Art Of Building An Elevated Community)

You’ve been grinding away at your personal brand for months…but results have been excruciatingly slow.

Logic tells you to give up, but emotion and hope keep you going.

The business that used to seem like an exciting endeavor now feels like a burden.

You feel you have become unmotivated and inconsistent. Consistency used to be easy - but now it seems daunting & draining...

This was exactly me 6 months ago.

I felt like I had lost my vision. The grind seemed hopeless and pointless.

I would be constantly asking myself - “Why am I doing this? Should I be putting my time and energy into something else?”

That is until I came across this concept…

Consistency Is Overrated

I hear creators preaching this all the time…

“Consistency is the key to success"…

Yes…and no…

The truth: Consistency IS important, but it’s just the entry price.

Ironically, it isn’t built through what you’re probably trying to use right now; sheer willpower and motivation.

“So Matt, if I shouldn’t be focusing on consistency, what should I be focusing on instead?”

Elevated Iteration: The Key To Success as a Creator

The most important action to achieving success as a creator IS NOT working more…it’s thinking more.

Let me explain…

There’s a major misconception in the space that it’s you vs. everyone else.

That you have to build this brand all by yourself without the help of anyone…

But I’ve found that through building WITH other creators, I’m able to make progress lightyears faster.

You might be wondering how you can do this for yourself…

Well if you’ve ever read this newsletter before, you know I’ve got you guys covered.

How To Build An Elevated Community To Make Lightyears Of Progress FAST.

Build Your Elevated Circle:

I covered this in microscopic detail in a previous letter.

Feel free to check out out here: How To Build A Network of Gold.

But I’ll save you some time by giving you the rundown:

I’m sure you see other creators who are in a similar spot as you ALL THE TIME.

And just like you, most of them want to connect with other creators.

So, just send them a DM.

But if you want to succeed with this, you MUST differentiate yourself from the crowd.

Here are the 3 rules I follow to make amazing connections and consistently book podcasts for Elevated State.

3 DM Rules To Successful Connections:

#1: Never Ask For Anything.

I used to try to sell people on my coaching program through Facebook DMs.

Did it work? Absolutely not.

As soon as I started to treat people as people - I began making connections.

Some of those connections have turned into:

  • Podcast guests

  • Life-long friends

  • and even some clients…

If you wait to ask for anything,

#2: Always Be Authentic.

Think about how many messages you get that come off as spammy or weird.

Now do the EXACT opposite. All people want is authenticity.

If you can prove to them that you are not an ‘AI sales Bot’, you will make the connection.

It’s that simple.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret…

The more followers you have, the better connections you will make.

#3: Never Be Surface Level.

Surface level sh*t does not slide in this space. If you truly want to connect with this person, you must AT LEAST consume a little bit of their content.

When I first connected with my co-host Trung, I sent him a voice message that complimented a specific part of his content creation process.

It wasn’t scripted. I didn’t sound like Chat GPT. Within two weeks we got on a call.

The game is simple, don’t overcomplicate it.

Combine Your Minds To Iterate

Let’s be honest…

Mastering the creator economy IS EXTREMELY HARD.

It took me 9 months to even have the slightest grasp on this ever-changing industry.

But there were two things that allowed me to gain this grasp…

The Two Pillars Of Mastering Iteration:

#1: Experience

This is a no-brainer.

Regardless of how you think, you will still need to test to see what works for you.

Consistently take action and you will cover this pillar relatively easily

But…putting out sh*t content will get you sh*t results.

This next pillar ties the two together. It allows you to create a viral formula that you can use to take your small brand…

And turn it into a cashflow business that provides for you for the rest of your life.

So what is this magical pillar you ask?

#2: Joint Thinking

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of joint thinking.

  • With Trung

  • With My Head Editor - Oliver

  • And even some of our podcast guests…

Recently I had a call with Joseph Oliver:

On this call, we completely broke down my video structure.

I took action and implemented this right away. The result?

All my videos 2x’ed in views across all platforms.

If I hadn’t done this joint thinking, it would have taken me MONTHS to figure this out on my own…

Final Thoughts

If this all seems difficult to do, Trung and I have an exciting project that you will 100% be interested in.

We are going to be creating an Elevated Community.

This will be a group where creators can brainstorm together and grow their brands.

It takes all of the hard work that we put in with building our elevated communities and gives it to you for free.

If you’re interested, join the waitlist here and I will reach out to you when it’s complete:

Thanks for reading,

-Matt “Elevated” Harriman