How to Build a Network of Gold

Create Opportunities For Yourself In 3 Steps

My apologies for not having a letter last week.

I’ve had Covid and I’m just getting back into the swing of things…

Let’s get right into this week’s letter.

Let me take you back…

Imagine you are a 14-year-old version of me.

You had just binge-watched every YouTube video you could find on online business.

“This is it”, I said to myself. “This is the thing I want to do”.

I didn’t know how, but all I knew was that I was going to make it work.

My mind had been exposed to a different way of thinking about the world.

I didn’t know it at the time…

But from that moment on I would forever be changed.

“A mind that is stretched cannot go back to its old dimensions.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

The Lone-Wolf Mentality

I quickly realized that this was a path I was going to be taking alone…at least for a period of time.

My friends at the time (who I’m still friends with by the way) didn’t understand why I was doing what I was doing.

It wouldn’t be till years later that they would finally somewhat understand.

At the beginning of your journey, this is necessary.

But many entrepreneurs end up stuck in this mindset…

Why This Mentality Sucks.

I used this ‘lone wolf’ attitude to justify how DEATHLY SCARED I was of meeting new people.

What changed?

I noticed that I was losing steam slowly…

My motivation on its own was not going to take me to the next level.

This all changed when I started my personal brand.

I began connecting with like-minded people who saw the world the same as I did.

I didn’t know it at the time, but many of these people would become some of the close friends I have now.

The Power of Networking. (My First Marketing Event)

Recently I went to Funnel Hacking Live, a digital marketing conference in Orlando, Florida.

I got the chance to meet some of my business friends in person for the first time.

The feeling was surreal.

It was the first time I truly realized that the people you meet online are ACTUALLY real people. (haha)

But what most don’t realize is that those connections can turn into opportunities.

The First Opportunity From a ‘Connection’.

Believe it or not…

Our podcast started from a cold DM….

Here’s what it looked like:

All I did was reach out to Trung with a simple compliment and voice message.

In that voice message, I further explained the compliment…

I bridged something in common that we had.

  • We both were making content in the productivity space.

  • To Seal the Deal: I complimented something specific that I liked about his posts.

This simple connection resulted in us getting on a networking call in less than two weeks.

Over the course of the next 6 months, we became friends more than a business connection

The rest is history.

Networking has done wonders for me, so I’d like to help you do the same.

How to Build a Network of Gold in 3 Easy Steps.

“Everything I touch turns to gold“

Pete Waterman

I made a couple of main mistakes in trying to build my network at first…

  • I came off as needy & desperate.

  • I asked for something right away.

  • I provided no value whatsoever.

These are the guidelines to use if you DON’T want to build a network of gold.

So…what are the right guidelines?

#1: Reach Out!

Reach out. Don’t ask for anything. Provide value.

It could be as simple as “Hey [name], I really love the way you do [ x, y, and z with your videos. ] Keep up the great work!”

Just like I did with Trung, you want to come across as someone who is just trying to connect.

You ALSO want to stand out from everybody else doing the same sh*t.

#2: Build The Connection.

Most likely they will reply with something along the lines of:

“Thanks, man! Really appreciate that.”

From here we build the connection.

This is what I call the “small talk” stage.

Others will say it’s a waste of time. I’ve found it’s essential.

The surface-level conversations I’ve had with countless people have turned into real friendships & connections.

Here’s how:

  • If they have a story up, reply to it!

  • When they post, leave a funny comment.

  • Be genuine. Trust me, it works.

#3: The Opportunity Goldmine. (Turning Connections To Cold-Hard Cash)

A big misconception I had was that once these connections were made, they would automatically turn into cash.

That was - definitely not true.

There are two components to turning these connections into cold-hard cash…

Have Patience.

Imagine if you asked a girl to marry you (or you were asked) one week after meeting each other…

Doesn’t make sense…right?

That’s why I get confused when entrepreneurs try to shove their product down their network’s throats after knowing them for a very short amount of time.

That’s why I focus on building business relationships WITHOUT expectations.

When the time and conditions are right, then I will pitch.

Prioritize Mutually Beneficial.

In other words, what you are asking them to do something (whether that’s getting on a call, having them on a podcast, etc.) should be beneficial for you and them.

Before I even consider asking someone to do ANYTHING, I always ask myself this question…

"Would I reply to this?”

This will allow you to work backward and discover what you need to do to get them to respond positively.

Thanks for reading!

Keep at it,

-Matt “Network of Gold” Harriman


Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

  1. Grab my FREE self-reflection guide to break your burnout & make consistent progress in life & business easy.

  2. Check out my Consistency System which I’ve used to build amazing habits that have helped me scale my personal brand & add several pounds of muscle in the last 6 months.

  3. Book a 1-1 Strategy Session to gain clarity on your routine, habits, and systems.